8 Image Editing Tips To Improve Your Travel Photos (Infographic) – Intelligent Travel

8 Image Editing Tips To Improve Your Travel Photos (Infographic) - Intelligent Travel“A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart, leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective.” – Irving Penn

Okay, so not everyone can be an award winning National Geographic photographer. Sometimes, you just want a decent batch of travel photos you can share with your family and friends back home. Capturing beautiful images is part skill, part equipment and part subject – although many will say that skill is the most important.

These days, smartphone photography is considered an art form in itself. That little device in your pocket is a wonderful piece of equipment which can capture vistas as well as (almost) any digital camera, and filters mean you can effortlessly add mood and effect with a tap of a finger. When it comes to finding interesting subjects, you’re in no better position than when you’re traveling. Everything tends to be new, fresh and exciting, meaning it shouldn’t be hard to find beauty and unique perspectives everywhere you look.

That leaves us with skill. It goes without saying, the more you practice something, the better you’ll become at it. Create photo assignments for yourself before you set off. Explore the streets of your hometown before exploring the streets of cities abroad. You’ll appreciate your local area a bit more, and have a better idea of how to use your equipment. But of course, there’s no better motivation for improving your photography skills than to take great snaps while you’re traveling. Once you’ve captured the world for yourself, edit your photos.

The pros do it, so there’s no reason you shouldn’t either. If you’re a happy snapper, a simple crop and color adjustment can bring your snaps to life. If you’re a semi-pro, improving your editing skills is an effective way of improving your photos before buying new gear. Camera envy can affect anyone, so don’t get immediately sucked in.

Keen on turning your photography game up a notch? Have a look at our infographic below for a better idea of how to improve your snaps.


8 Image Editing Tips To Improve Your Travel Photos [Infographic] by the team at Wimdu

Internet is More Than a Luxury (Infographic) – Intelligent Travel

Internet is More Than a Luxury (Infographic) - Intelligent TravelThe world has come to expect fast internet and Wi-Fi plays an important role in the process but how exactly? Wi-Fi Alliance has stated that on average there are about 200 million households that are using Wi-Fi networks and Wi-Fi is used by over 700 million people.

Furthermore, on average every year there are about 800 million new Wi-Fi devices; an amazing growth which shows that high-speed internet access is important and has become an expectation for many in our world today. With Wi-Fi hotspots growing by the millions each year, 47.7m in 2014, 58m in 2015 and 340m expected by 2018 we question what are the benefits or problems and answer the concerns that consumers may have.

Our data graphic on “More Than a Luxury: How The World Has Come To Expect Fast Internet” below takes an in-depth look at some interesting areas such as the impact of Wi-Fi on social change, the global Wi-Fi market and poorly connected locations, hotels and Wi-F quality, Wi-Fi on transport, the housing market and Wi-Fi access, the rise of mobile data and the Internet of things and 5G Connectivity in the future. Wi-Fi is empowering and consumers are demanding better and faster Wi-Fi connections and solutions. The future will keep changing through internet access and improved Wi-Fi developments, find out more about this now. Internet is More Than a Luxury - Intelligent Travel

Read more: Intelligent Travel.